Monday, November 29, 2010

I had the weirdest dream last night!
I dreamt that we were watching parachuters, kind of like the ones at the national day parades landing from the sky, except for the fact that they weren't landing from the sky, they were coming down from the ceiling in AC's hall, and the parachutes were like red glowing orbs. and one of these parachuters was a guy in a wheel chair and i was like WHAT how come he can parachute too!? (as in. relative to me. haha i'm not. against physically disabled people omg no.) and then my class was standing in a clump on the hall floor and suddenly Mr Loo got onto a motorbike that was in front of my class and sped like a few metres across the hall floor, and he came to a space that was marked out just like a badminton or a tennis court or something and he started to teach us how to score. (I don't know how to count the scores and in/out in real life either!) And he asked for volunteers to stand in the spaces that he was pointing out so i got to stand in the space called left defence. Which i realise now has nothing to do with tennis or badminton. HAHAH. i was not supposed to be letting the ball go past me, but i wasn't paying attention so it kept rolling past me. Then all of sudden, i was sitting on a ledge with a couple of other people staring out and singing katy perry songs, i think. teenage dream, because i woke up with it in my head. Then i wanted to get down from the ledge so i jumped and then i woke up.

Anyway aside from red glowing orbs and motorcycles and katyperry songs, i'm spending the whole of my today just rotting around the house. I'm incredibly elated about that becuase there is not one day since like 2 weeks ago that i have been on the computer for so long, Up till yesterday i was technology deprived. My sustenance of entertainment during exam time was 'sky burger' on the iphone which gives you a headache after awhile anyway.

Oh. and i watched harry potter yesterday! Yang was right. Hermione just gets prettier and prettier with every outfit change! GASP.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Been feeling very isolated from the outside world for the past two weeks. Apart from going to school its just coming home and then sitting down at my table to study. exam times are fat times. Plus they make me have lots of weird dreams! i think its because of all the information thats being thrown around in my brain right before i sleep. And then sometimes it prevents me from going to sleep too because all i can thinking about is fluid intelligence and its definitions. But on the bright side this is allll going to end by saturday. HAHAHA i sound depressed but i'm not! i'm so excited for exams to end!

Friday, November 12, 2010

8 more days to my first paper HEART ATTACK.
today i was outside at the busstop waiting to go home from Christine's house and i realised that i don't want an office job where i stare at the clock all day and wish for 6 o clock to come! Which is why if i am confined to a desk where my butt is given the freedom to expand day after day after day i will just die. My skin will be grafted to the chair and i will permanently just dream of escaping from the office.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I think i'm supposed to be studying because there is a grand total of 13 days left to my first paper.
But its 1130 at night, its drizzling outside and i can't bring myself to memorize anything psychology related right now so i suppose it will be goodbye studies HELLO BED.