Thursday, March 17, 2011


OKAY so i have abandoned twitter as my choice for my newmedia individual project I DON'T LIKE TWITTER! There's nothing to do on it and my phone is supposedly a smart phone but it doesn't have data haha so its not like i can tweet on the go. (Somebody says twit. Jane? :D) And i already spam my friends with my random thoughts through texts so why would i torture myself by going on twitter haha:D Goodbye account, you were shortlived.

So instead here i am going to blog blog blog. My resolution is to do a video post, like HELLO YOUTUBE SENSATION WANNABE, and an audio post, which i don't know how to do but i'm sure i'll figure it out. and then i'll get around to writing my paper:D

On another note, the whole week's been like a whirlwind of studying and more studying:/ And i had to wash my jacket because i suspect it wasn't dry kill me now.

and HERE'S A PICTURE THAT MAKES ME HAPPY<3 Ignore the smiley face it was too unglam a look= it was horrideous. And powdy's ass is delightfully taking centrestage hahaha.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mon chien s'appelle Uno

Damn it i'm supposed to be studying for french oral but the lateness of the hour has made me come to decision that i should just continue my work tomorrow because right now i'm zonked. I haven't had an oral exam for 3 years! Since the end of secondary school i've relied solely on English and Chinese and i've not had to read from any passage or answer any question under pressure since and now boom i have an oral test and in FRENCH?! tell me i'm kerazy to have done this. HAHA.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm sorry for the dearth of posts as my apologies there are two pictures of taylor from her concert! <3 I am a taylor swift convert yes.
Anyway i haven't been blogging because last week was a whirlwind of having to pass up projects and meet deadlines and next week are my midterms so i'll be burried in the books these next few days. Come get me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

duchenne smiles

So today was a day of mishaps. Not in a bad way. But i think my abs are secretly sprouting under my layers of insulation because jane and i laughed so much i think a man at the opposite table from us at KFC might have termed us as 'Shen jing bing' but he might also have been talking about other things HOPEFULLY. haha. i don't want to be labelled crazy just because we're more prone to violent silent laughter.

Anyway we were laughing about the boob song that we created maybe eons ago which i will not write here because it would have to be censored. No not really. But even then its kind of gross and i don't think anyone but jane and i will be able to appreciate the humour. It's supposed to be sung along to the 'do you ears hang low' tune yeahuh. So cue laughter. Then somehow we got to the topic of intestines and sausages and jane thought that intestines were a body organ that was so long it could go around the world. Cue more laughter because after she said it there was a momentary pause and we both realised there was no way we could stuff so much inside of us no matter how folded or covoluted our intestines were. For geeks and the interested, the earth's circumference is apparently 40,075.16 km around the equator. Whatever that means. And I'm very sure Lasso is not pronounced lasoo. That joke's only funny if you were there aye.

And then the most epic joke of all, Jane and i were supposed to take the train back to buonavista, but instead we took the train in the wrong direction and we only noticed when we got to the next station and The Voice announced 'outram park station' like BOOM we were so horrified we were overwhelmed with more laughter. It didn't help that a few seconds ago i was looking at the flashing lights above the door and i was like omg are we going in the right direction, then i changed my mind and thought it was the right one. HAHAHAH:D

i hope people had duchenne smiles reading about our retardedness.
TATA <3!

digital what?

I just typed out the introduction to my NM paper. I'm so joyful i could dance.

il est douze heures dix-sept.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Back to wednesday

I AM IN LOVE WITH TAYLOR SWIFT'S THIRD ALBUM and i'm still riding on the high that was her concert on wednesday NO SHIT paul and yammy you two make the best concert going friends ever when it comes to mainstream!

So so suck your toe here's a recap!

I left french class early that day and did my miraculous changing act in the car. I tried to put eyeliner in the dark but it was a bit too iffy hahaha so i just put lipstick! My zara goat shirt is probably still suffering from the trauma of being tugged out of shape so that i could get my arm out but YAY it was worth it because at least i looked more presentable for a concert. haha Natalie's outfit put me to shame so i decided last minute to change. Got there and clambered up some staircase and miraculously found the north entrance and i wasn't late! For taylor swift herself anyway. I missed sezairi but thats not so much of a big deal i didn't even know he was opening. And after that for the next one and a half hours it was pure HIGH and ADRENALINE. We were singing along to anything we could and paul was just screaming about taylor's legs (they were very very long) and how we were sooooo close but not close enough to touch her or get her gloves and guitar picks (we were hysterical when she flung them into the crowd) and we were taking videos and screaming (hello hoarse voices) somemore. TAYLOR SWIFT has my respect hahaha.

i'm going to try to recap her set list but not necessarily in order:

speak now/ the story of us/ back to december- she looked like she was on the verge of crying when she sang this and someone in the crowd yelled 'don't cry taylor!' /enchanted/dear john/ sparks fly/ you belong with me/ fearless / love story- closing song walawalawala what can i say fantastical magical walawalawala and okay maybe she sang more but i can't really remember them at the moment. i'm too distracted by the fact that its 12.05am in the morning on 14th of february!


I'll put in TS concert pictures later muacks.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This has been an awful(and every other permutation/synonym related to that word) start of the week for me. I would like to become a sea cucumber and sink to the bottom of the ocean and never resurface.


Okay i'm feeling a lot less stressed right now. And if i have to reccount why i'm spazzing out i think it might just come out as an uncomprehensive garble but i'll try anyway. I HAVE AN NM PROJECT THAT I HAVE TO PASS UP BY BEXT THURSDAY THAT FREAKING INVOLVES A 5 PAGE PAPER AND WE HAVE TO HAND OUT SURVEYS/ SICK TAYLORSWIFT'S CONCERT IS TOMORROW AND I WILL UNDOUBTEDLY DEFINITELY BE LATE FOR IT/MIDTERMS ARE COMING IN 3 WEEKS/FRENCH OH GOD FRENCH.
I want to become a sea cucumber. I'll sink to the bottom of the sea and never resurface. Also no one wants to work with sea cucumbers. I'll get to do the project all by my lonesome self and while some people think thats insane i actually think its kind of comforting in the sense that i get to make my own decisions and hell yeah i'll take responsibility for whatever grade i get but at least things get done ASDLKFJDSL.
my moodiness/grouchiness is back.