Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm loading How i met your mother episodes and listening to girlsgeneration songs OMG i know i don't usually but then there was some korean music awards show playing on channelU again OMG right who watches channelU when starhub is screening free channels, but then again theres not much to watch on starhub's freechannels. I was hoping for glee or some nice holiday movies but it was screening pirates of the carribean on fox. So deep for the newyearseason. What happened to the notion of fluffy happy movies that need minimal intellect. HAHAHA. (: but anyway so it got me like. interested so i went to check it out after like a long time of not listening to girls generation songs! Their legs look mad long WHY! But apparently even though they look mad tall its not really so. Someone told me some of the members are actually quite pint sized, which leads me to think then its the angle of the camera. So anyway its 2011. It doesn't feel very different really. Apart from the fact that you know its 2011. Otherwise it could just be 2010 still. December 32nd.

But because it will give me a guide to how i should spend my 2011, i shall do newyearsresolutions!
1. I WILL BECOME SKINNIER! =D which in turn is like related to
i think although the gym at keppel is really well equipped and everything, i don't have my own means of transport other than the bus and even then Keppel is a really far walk in from the main road and the busstop itself, so by the time i actually get there, i would have walked quite a bit already. Which isn't to say that its bad since the whole point is to get exercise, but singapore weather was not made for walking, so i get put off by the distance. But nehmind. This year will be different! Hopefully
3. I WILL GET MY DRIVERS LICENSE and then i'll be able to drive to keppel, albeit grudgingly in my dad's car. If not i give up, i'll be a princess and just take a cab. Yes i really want my drivers license. I think driving tests are scary in the way that you can't for sure know that you are going to pass! Its all a matter of your luck and whether you driving skills suck. But please please don't let me have to take it a 3rd time!
4. I WILL INCREASE MY CAP! I've decided to be super disciplined and study as hard as i can. 5. I WILL DECLUTTER. HAHA this has been an ongoing resolution for the longest time! My cupboards are filled with clothes that i don't wear i have like a lot of ac shirts hung up and i don't even wear all of them, my collegiates and passion AC shirts are my number1 comfort clothing, the rest are like reserves heh. So this year i will clear my closet and make space for all my new stuff:D This will make my mother happy.

okay off to watch HIMYM!

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