Friday, January 28, 2011

drip drop drip drop

OKAY i am not a sylvia ratonel fan despite me using her lyrics as my title for this post. Much to the contrary, i can't get over her music video for this song um 'It's Raining' because despite the title being what it is, she spends half of the music video in the shower with the same hand movements and i think utt features in the video but even then his face is too minute and he has a screen time of like 5 seconds which isn't enough of a saving grace. SO THEN WHY IS THE SONG SO FRIGGIN CATCHY?! and it is actually raining outside hence this post, because i was supposed to leave for AC half an hour ago but now i'm just looking at the rain and unable to move even if i wanted to.

Also, i'm getting this omg omg kill me feeling in the pits of my stomach because i am not studying enough! I don't exactly know what i'm supposed to do as of yet because its pretty much just readings at the moment but i feel as though if i don't start mugging now my cap will spiral and i'm not going to let that happen BUT SEE I'M NOT STUDYING. I think i should set new resolutions haha. Like. to stop going out on tuesdays even though i end at 10am and to spend more time at home in my room without the computer on. 8D will be my nerd face from today onwards. come back home self-control!

I'm wearing my new contacts. My eyes look brighter HEEE.

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