Monday, January 24, 2011

So i had the weirdest shit dream last night. I can't say for sure i didn't enjoy it because it was quite action packed, but it wasn't something i'd wake up feeling gooey and happy inside, like when i had my harrypotter dream involving the younger version of daniel radcliffe and rupert grint in a hotel lobby. But anyway this dream was as weird and disjointed as tomatoes at the botton of the sea. It involved Mrs Tay, our used-to-be vocal coach, taking us to a cemetry to look for her husband and somehow it was very china-esque, with fields and mountains enroute, and when we got there there was this huge lake and across the lake was a man wearing white squatting by the water. No i don't believe he was a ghost. I vaguely feel as though i thought him a ragandbone man maybe. I just stood by the water staring at him, and then suddenly i was driving a car, an auto car and i didn't know how to drive it and it was pouring cats and dogs and Jane was in the passenger seat. I would like to believe i know how to drive an auto car in real life, but somehow dreams never appear logical, so i had to bail out of the car to get help and i went back to my house to tell my dad that Jane was still inside and we had to stop the car somehow. And then i think i woke up.

Oh and if anyone knows what its like to stain your shorts in school because of the unavoidable P that decided unmercifully to return after having vanished for a day, i've totally been there:/

Anyway pretty sparkles from the GoldenGlobes 2011 to brighten your day!

I heart anne hathaway's dress! How do they look so gorgeous covered in glitter seriously. I could sneak into neopia and pretend to be an overdecorated fairy cake and chances are a kacheek would eat me.

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