Tuesday, February 15, 2011

duchenne smiles

So today was a day of mishaps. Not in a bad way. But i think my abs are secretly sprouting under my layers of insulation because jane and i laughed so much i think a man at the opposite table from us at KFC might have termed us as 'Shen jing bing' but he might also have been talking about other things HOPEFULLY. haha. i don't want to be labelled crazy just because we're more prone to violent silent laughter.

Anyway we were laughing about the boob song that we created maybe eons ago which i will not write here because it would have to be censored. No not really. But even then its kind of gross and i don't think anyone but jane and i will be able to appreciate the humour. It's supposed to be sung along to the 'do you ears hang low' tune yeahuh. So cue laughter. Then somehow we got to the topic of intestines and sausages and jane thought that intestines were a body organ that was so long it could go around the world. Cue more laughter because after she said it there was a momentary pause and we both realised there was no way we could stuff so much inside of us no matter how folded or covoluted our intestines were. For geeks and the interested, the earth's circumference is apparently 40,075.16 km around the equator. Whatever that means. And I'm very sure Lasso is not pronounced lasoo. That joke's only funny if you were there aye.

And then the most epic joke of all, Jane and i were supposed to take the train back to buonavista, but instead we took the train in the wrong direction and we only noticed when we got to the next station and The Voice announced 'outram park station' like BOOM we were so horrified we were overwhelmed with more laughter. It didn't help that a few seconds ago i was looking at the flashing lights above the door and i was like omg are we going in the right direction, then i changed my mind and thought it was the right one. HAHAHAH:D

i hope people had duchenne smiles reading about our retardedness.
TATA <3!

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