Thursday, March 17, 2011


OKAY so i have abandoned twitter as my choice for my newmedia individual project I DON'T LIKE TWITTER! There's nothing to do on it and my phone is supposedly a smart phone but it doesn't have data haha so its not like i can tweet on the go. (Somebody says twit. Jane? :D) And i already spam my friends with my random thoughts through texts so why would i torture myself by going on twitter haha:D Goodbye account, you were shortlived.

So instead here i am going to blog blog blog. My resolution is to do a video post, like HELLO YOUTUBE SENSATION WANNABE, and an audio post, which i don't know how to do but i'm sure i'll figure it out. and then i'll get around to writing my paper:D

On another note, the whole week's been like a whirlwind of studying and more studying:/ And i had to wash my jacket because i suspect it wasn't dry kill me now.

and HERE'S A PICTURE THAT MAKES ME HAPPY<3 Ignore the smiley face it was too unglam a look= it was horrideous. And powdy's ass is delightfully taking centrestage hahaha.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mon chien s'appelle Uno

Damn it i'm supposed to be studying for french oral but the lateness of the hour has made me come to decision that i should just continue my work tomorrow because right now i'm zonked. I haven't had an oral exam for 3 years! Since the end of secondary school i've relied solely on English and Chinese and i've not had to read from any passage or answer any question under pressure since and now boom i have an oral test and in FRENCH?! tell me i'm kerazy to have done this. HAHA.