Thursday, March 17, 2011


OKAY so i have abandoned twitter as my choice for my newmedia individual project I DON'T LIKE TWITTER! There's nothing to do on it and my phone is supposedly a smart phone but it doesn't have data haha so its not like i can tweet on the go. (Somebody says twit. Jane? :D) And i already spam my friends with my random thoughts through texts so why would i torture myself by going on twitter haha:D Goodbye account, you were shortlived.

So instead here i am going to blog blog blog. My resolution is to do a video post, like HELLO YOUTUBE SENSATION WANNABE, and an audio post, which i don't know how to do but i'm sure i'll figure it out. and then i'll get around to writing my paper:D

On another note, the whole week's been like a whirlwind of studying and more studying:/ And i had to wash my jacket because i suspect it wasn't dry kill me now.

and HERE'S A PICTURE THAT MAKES ME HAPPY<3 Ignore the smiley face it was too unglam a look= it was horrideous. And powdy's ass is delightfully taking centrestage hahaha.

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