Thursday, January 20, 2011

So i had my first french tutorial today. And as i'm typing this i can smell my dinner being cooked in the kitchen AHHH my gastric juices are threatening to chew my stomach walls if i don't eat soon. So. It was actually one of the funnest tutorials i've had in the two semesters that i've been in school. And probably the one where i've been the most vocal. And ironically it wasn't even in english. I suppose if a freak accident happened and i ended up in france i now know at least that i can survive mon dieu!
And apparently i'm a true blue West side kid because everyone who is anyone will know that Chomp chomp in serangoon equals good food. But i was fb chatting with mingrui yesterday and i had the cheek to respond to chompchomp with the comment niap niap. HAHA i seriously thought he was making random onomatopoeic sounds. Well in my defence so was i. Doesn't niap niap sound like you're chewing relly relly fast. So to cut a long story short, i now have a pipe dream that i can take his dad's car and drive to serangoon to eat chomp chomp yes he thinks his dad won't notice, because my dad takes that car to work every day and i will positively spasm if forced to drive to KL. which reminds me that i need to buy my P plates.

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