Thursday, January 27, 2011

How tall are you?

Note to self: find measuring tape!
I just spent 15 minutes last night trying to mark out 84cm on the wall of my computer room just so that i could have a clearer picture of how long this tan dress with eeny white polkadots would be on me, because i didn't have a measuring tape. So i used my 15cm ruler. But anyway after all that hassle, i decided it would be too long for me and would definitely have to be hemmed because who am i kidding, 84cm is more than half of my entirebody length. 84cm would consume my top half, my thighs, my knees and probably a third of my calves. But the dress was so pretty and 1950s madmen style! Maybe i will buy it. and then i will hem it!

Also, i think i'm falling sick. My throat is a little scratchy and if given a choice between going to school and jumping between my covers and going to sleep, i'd definitely choose the latter. But reality is harsh bebs! i have two tutorials and a lecture that contains all the mishmash of physics terms that were made to send my mind into a confunded spiral. I can't not go to school. MEHHH. I'll do the 30 days of committment to blogging thing later on in the night. Right now, i'm just going to wallow in front of the computer like a slug.

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