Thursday, January 27, 2011

population: 1

HELLO i'm back from school.

I think its weird discussing my relationship status in cyberspace! But whatever i'm single and satisfied at this point in time because theres too much going on to be embroiled in a relationship and having to deal with someone elses emotions on top of your own and putting in the committment and effort that comes with being a half of a whole. Sometimes my dating clock does tick and i'm like. Ohmygawd why am i single this is pathetic and sad and the epitome of being a loser. And yes i would like to hold someone's hand and share a straw, not that i don't already do that with my massively liberal and non-salivaphobic friends, but i suppose i'm not supposed to be dating now in the master plans of the universe? So here i am dealing with my complex life but i suppose that makes things a little easier because i get to be selfish. But i promise my future unknown boyfriend that if you are my boyfriend i will not be a selfish prick and i will love you to bits.

ogay. I'm going back to AC tomorrow. mud.

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