Tuesday, February 1, 2011

la pluie

It's been raining nonstop since Saturday evening! Seriously its NOT NORMAL.
I had the weirdest of weirdass dreams last night and since i'm on a mission to be like christine and recount as many dreams i have as possible, deep breath here goes:
(feel free to laugh at any point in time, reflecting on my dream i realise it is quite ridonkulous and improbable:D )

So i'm walking in a shopping centre with Sidney and Jinghan and suddenly we're ambushed by chem madam to help her teach her class. But when we walk in she starts to give out blue and green m&ms to her class and there is a projection on the canvas screen on protecting the earth and because its so strange sidney jinghan and i walk out into the mall and we see this guy running on a treadmill suspended in the air. The guy is clutching shopping bags and running and we think its so cool. We continue walking after awhile and some how end up at a party where there is a dj spinning. Halfway through however, the music gets cut and the dj happily pipes into the microphone that someone wants to profess his love and suddenly theres seth yeak walking over with a piece of paper stating that 'Ravoli loves you' on a paper and he passes it to me and i'm like ohmygosh who is Ravoli and i have no idea what to say in response so i'm consulting my friends with a frenzy because the whole room is waiting for me to say something before the party can proceed and i'm on the verge of saying no when i'm pushed into a separate room where there is this guy channel surfing and i just know that he had to be ravoli and because he looked more than deccent i decided to say yes. (i see my superficial streak rearing its ugly head in this dream haha. ) We hug and suddenly i'm in a room eating with his family and they are planning for his birthday which falls on 22 august and he was born in 1987. I'm completely clueless as to what to do and i haven't bought a birthday present so i go into a hyper frenzy and then i think i woke up.

Okay the laugh fest is over!

I have to go to school by 8am tomorrow and i probably should be getting ready for bed about now. Astons tomorrow! YUM MUM MUM. and i'm skipping day 4 of the blogging challenge because i'm lazy and because i'm not relly interested in blogging about it. Religion's good if it brings you solace and comfort and guidance. YAY.

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