Friday, February 4, 2011


OOPS i'm sorry i haven't been posting, or spamming looking at the number of posts i got through before CNY madness decided to hit. The past few days have been a blur of visiting, eating and more visiting! It is the one time of the year i get to gorge myself silly on pineapple tarts and i found out yesterday that each pineapple tart contains like 180calories. Say HELLO to CNY weight gain all you chinese people out there.

But somehow i feel like i'm actually enjoying this year's CNY somewhat more than the past 2 years or so. Maybe its because my cousins and i are finally on the same wavelength given the eeny age gap between us which seemed so significant when i was all mature(cue laughter) in JC and they were still tiny tots floundering in lower secondary and primary school. But now we have common topics to converse YESSS i am consumed with delight:D

So for my own amusement i shall recap my past 3 days:
wednesday- stayed at home the whole day to bum around and catch up on my studies which i had flung to the furthest corner of my bit of a brain. Watched tv, i managed to catch the second episode of Glee on starworld. Had reunion dinner at Auntie Chris's, small oranges, money bags, bubble blowing, video and photo spamming, facebook stalking. Watched more tv when we got home which was pretty late actually.
Thursday- woke up late and horrified that i woke up so late. Went to mama's/jeekohpoh/eepoh's house to visit. more phototaking and video spamming. angpow collecting. lots of yeo's chrysanthamum tea. discussion about the merits of driving a continental car which omg is by golly very very heavy compared to the car i learnt to drive with. eating eating eating.
Friday- Went to uncle robert's for lunch. Second round of yusheng. I got to meet my adorable nephews and i just want to squish their cheeks and cuddle them to oblivion, one of them actually has a fb page at 3half years old eeep. talk talk talk blah blah blah. more stuffing of hamster food HAHAHA actually they were cashew nuts.
and finally today i played mahjong for the whole day. I'm not proud of it, i'm currently consumed, overwhelmed, drowning in guilt for having abandoned my studies for the 3rd day running. But on the bright side i won the game more times than anyone else at the table so eat that suckers! (:

bon nouvelle a chinois!

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