Tuesday, December 28, 2010

UGHH putting on double eyelid tape is so hard. I was trying just now for 20 minutes and i was just getting more confused each time i ripped out a new sticker to paste on my eyelid. How does anyone get the tape to stay in? Mine just comes peeking out and then if i blink too vigorously it will just come undone. Evidently there are some tricks of the trade that i don't know about HAHA.

Anyway its not that i want to go around with double eyelids, i just thought i'd try them out for fun. So when i got a packet when i was in japan! Brilliant plan because no one there knows me and anyway everyone there is pretty much made up with false lashes and double eyelids and coloured contacts so much so that they can't judge me or risk being hypocritical! At home its a whole different thing because of the whole 6 degrees of separation thing, chances are the saleslady at watsons will know someone that knows someone that knows someone that knows me! But i'm not making it a habit of going around with double eyelids. Its too troublesome and although i was quite stunned by the effect it created i can't imagine getting up everyday to paste those buggers on. Laziness triumphs my desire to have bigger eyes:D

Okay i just watched a youtube video of some girl putting on tape and apparently you can't wear them everyday or your eyelids will start to sag! which is very sad. especially if you are young. And haha turns out i was putting them on wrongly! That stick that comes with the packet was not meant to be used THAT way. FAILL.

Monday, December 27, 2010

It's raininggggg

Maybe when you turn 19 you stop thinking so much, and then you become more spontaneous when it comes to outings! Because i think thats happening to me. Its occured twice in a day and i usually stop to weigh the pros and cons, and then eventually decide to stay home because its where the dog, computer and tv are. But anyway this christmas was super busy meeting different groups of people and doing random things.
LIKE. On friday night we had family gathering, and at first i was feeling incredibly antisocial because none of my close cousins were there so i just sat with my grandma and helped her get food and soup. HAHA i know i should have been catching up with my cousin that went to australia- he has an accent now omgomg and although he's my cousin the accent is quite exciting, but UGH i needed time to warm up because we haven't spoken for like almost 9 months or something. Then finally my other cousins showed up and we ate (i friggin ate lamb OMG i am so sorry i never eat lamb) plus played cards without money or alcohol. And then my three younger cousins started to race each other to see who could go across the living room the fastest. I believe that was the aftermath of too much sugar from the trifle and mango pudding and mincepies and fruitcake ohyummydessert!
Then Saturday night our gang met up at Jo's house. It was pouring rain though. I got a chance to use my pretty white brella from japan :D :D and i don't understand what australian pizza has to do with not giving plastic bags for takeout pizza but anyway Crust does not give paperbags for takeout so we had to use the umbrella and our bodies to shield the boxes. Heart how our clique can just get together and do nothing but still have a lot of fun. We were just eating and lying around on the sofa and watching random glee music videos. Then we watched some random youtube video that yang recommended and its called agents of secret stuff. like OMG haha. it was funny though. MERRY CHRISTMASSS.
Went out with council people for lunch then narnia with my parents then dinner with fern beaver manda choo peiyan and jiayi. SEE SPONTANIETY! i didn't even think of going for lunch with council till the last minute because i was feeling lazy, but i just upped and went. Then after narnia i was supposed to go home, but then mandachoo said they were meeting at Plazasing where i was, so my parents went home and i stayed. i reckon it has something to do with turning 19 reaaaally. Narnia was a nice movie i cried:/

Watching how i met your mother now<3 it i don't know what i'm going to do when i finish watching all 6 seasons!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

4.5:D :D :D

Dear God
thankyou for giving me the strength and tenacity to achieve the capscore that i got this semester. Please guide me such that next semester will be even better if not as good as this one. I would really like to go to the UK on an exchange trip.

i got my results after i paid my library fines. LIKE WTH who keeps results from a person just because they don't pay their library fines! Thats. not fair. i paid my school fees. So i basically rushed down to school in a cab and used my ezylinkcard to pay off the hefty 10dollar fine then i used the pull sms service and got my capscore. At first i was wondering if i should do it in the cab so that if i did dreadfully i wouldn't faint in the library. but i did it anyway and 4.5 HAHAHA i'm quite relieved and i think i'm contented. i can't find anything to complain about, except maybe i was hoping for at least an A- in nationbuilding. In a way i'm a bit excited for next semester:D

going to fly kites tomorrow at the barrage. I was quite excited until my mum told me to beware of kite strings because they can cut. HAHA JADED NOW. going to wear my yellow collegiate OHH. :D I miss my AC collegiates. They are my comfort clothes and i'm quite sick of dressing up anyway! I don't care if i look sloppy.
I THINK. it would be nice to smoosh qualities of certain guys together so that you could make the perfect guy for yourself. A bit like soghurt where you can dispense your own flavours and pick your own toppings. A bit of this, and a bit of that. and then voila! You get a whole new creation that you're happy with. But then with a perfect guy, you would prolly also feel insecure so if smooshing 4 guys together would create your perfect gentleman, then pick 3 out of these 4 guys to smoosh so that he'd still be flawed in the most minor of ways. :D
I know who i'd like to smoosh together. HAHAHAHA. but thats just my own retarded thoughts.
i realise i've been having a lot of retarded thoughts lately. Like the song 'i saw mummy kissing santa claus', it does not make sense because clearly this kid's mother is kissing his father, but since the kid believes his father is santa claus, his father would have to be dressed in a santa costume, but if he's in his own house, and he thinks his child is asleep, why would he bother to role play?

i still haven't bought a pair of shoes. frowns.:/

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lets not and said we did

I watched Easy A today and Emma stone is so pretty! I thought it was along the same wavelength as mean girls, but its better and wittier. Why are so many nice movies coming out all at once please its making me addicted to going to the theatre. RAWWR i actually wanted to watch rapunzel a second time but i realised that by the time i come back from japan it'll probably be out of theatres already. I love the soundtrack! Now i'm just waiting for gullivers travels and no strings attached to come out. May 2011 have many many nice movies to watch. HEHEH.

OFF TO OSAKA TOMORROW! i'm secretly very excited because everyone loves japan. <3 That and i can put my japanese studies knowledge to good use. Oh and good looking japanese men. Forever a bonus.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fi fi fo fum

I finally used the Zara blazer! It was. Formal and made my bag look very bulky.

Went to town today with christine and i had watami and starbucks java chip. DELIGHT IN A CUP. and i want to buy nice books and bring them all to japan with me so that i can read on the plane and the train and in between everything else. Agatha Christie! and Jane Austen please. I like Jane austen because she is 1800s chick lit= 1800s angst.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I have a dream

i watched Rapunzel today and it was really really worth the $6. airi and i were laughing so hard in the cinema! Someone give me a chameleon as a pet please. haha. or maximus the horse!

And i've been thinking, the name Isabelle is pretty! She could be Izzy or Belle for short. :D :D :D