Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I THINK. it would be nice to smoosh qualities of certain guys together so that you could make the perfect guy for yourself. A bit like soghurt where you can dispense your own flavours and pick your own toppings. A bit of this, and a bit of that. and then voila! You get a whole new creation that you're happy with. But then with a perfect guy, you would prolly also feel insecure so if smooshing 4 guys together would create your perfect gentleman, then pick 3 out of these 4 guys to smoosh so that he'd still be flawed in the most minor of ways. :D
I know who i'd like to smoosh together. HAHAHAHA. but thats just my own retarded thoughts.
i realise i've been having a lot of retarded thoughts lately. Like the song 'i saw mummy kissing santa claus', it does not make sense because clearly this kid's mother is kissing his father, but since the kid believes his father is santa claus, his father would have to be dressed in a santa costume, but if he's in his own house, and he thinks his child is asleep, why would he bother to role play?

i still haven't bought a pair of shoes. frowns.:/

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