Sunday, January 30, 2011


I PLAYED BADMINTON TODAY. yes i thought that might deserve a post all by itself. But i mean there isn't much to add since the fact that i ressurected my badminton rackets and shuttle cocks is a monumental moment in itself.

3 bottles of beer

Life sucks take drugs/ sex on the beach.
i don't think i have very much opinions on drugs and alcohol other than i don't consume either and i don't think anyone should consume the former unless its panadol for a splitting headache then yeah maybe. Or for period pains. i 101% support that. And consume the latter if it makes you happier unless your alcohol tolerance is like crappy and you tend to pass out after half a cup. But then you'd still feel happier throwing up than dealing with the complexities of life.

Friday, January 28, 2011

When i'm 29

When i'm 29 i would like to be alive! Though i dread turning 29. I'm already all jittery and sad having to turn 20 because i'll no longer be a teenager and whatever wilful things i do will no longer be able to be explained by the fact that i'm just a kid in my school uniform that doesn't know any better. HAHA. have i said that i miss my AC uniform to pieces? Also when i'm 29 i hope to be doing speech therapy in a hospital unless by some fantastic streak of luck i get to go to medical school, then i hope i'll be a paediatrician.


drip drop drip drop

OKAY i am not a sylvia ratonel fan despite me using her lyrics as my title for this post. Much to the contrary, i can't get over her music video for this song um 'It's Raining' because despite the title being what it is, she spends half of the music video in the shower with the same hand movements and i think utt features in the video but even then his face is too minute and he has a screen time of like 5 seconds which isn't enough of a saving grace. SO THEN WHY IS THE SONG SO FRIGGIN CATCHY?! and it is actually raining outside hence this post, because i was supposed to leave for AC half an hour ago but now i'm just looking at the rain and unable to move even if i wanted to.

Also, i'm getting this omg omg kill me feeling in the pits of my stomach because i am not studying enough! I don't exactly know what i'm supposed to do as of yet because its pretty much just readings at the moment but i feel as though if i don't start mugging now my cap will spiral and i'm not going to let that happen BUT SEE I'M NOT STUDYING. I think i should set new resolutions haha. Like. to stop going out on tuesdays even though i end at 10am and to spend more time at home in my room without the computer on. 8D will be my nerd face from today onwards. come back home self-control!

I'm wearing my new contacts. My eyes look brighter HEEE.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Berlin Fashion Week!
These are some pieces from Lever Couture that i don't particularly fancy.

Too much veil. It looks like it drank growth potion and forgot it was supposed to stop growing beyond a certain point/ a piece of mouldy candy. That said i like the tutu-esque quality of the skirt!

She looks like she just got swallowed by meringue mix and her hands are desperately trying not to touch the folds.

2 words: Fish Scales.

population: 1

HELLO i'm back from school.

I think its weird discussing my relationship status in cyberspace! But whatever i'm single and satisfied at this point in time because theres too much going on to be embroiled in a relationship and having to deal with someone elses emotions on top of your own and putting in the committment and effort that comes with being a half of a whole. Sometimes my dating clock does tick and i'm like. Ohmygawd why am i single this is pathetic and sad and the epitome of being a loser. And yes i would like to hold someone's hand and share a straw, not that i don't already do that with my massively liberal and non-salivaphobic friends, but i suppose i'm not supposed to be dating now in the master plans of the universe? So here i am dealing with my complex life but i suppose that makes things a little easier because i get to be selfish. But i promise my future unknown boyfriend that if you are my boyfriend i will not be a selfish prick and i will love you to bits.

ogay. I'm going back to AC tomorrow. mud.

How tall are you?

Note to self: find measuring tape!
I just spent 15 minutes last night trying to mark out 84cm on the wall of my computer room just so that i could have a clearer picture of how long this tan dress with eeny white polkadots would be on me, because i didn't have a measuring tape. So i used my 15cm ruler. But anyway after all that hassle, i decided it would be too long for me and would definitely have to be hemmed because who am i kidding, 84cm is more than half of my entirebody length. 84cm would consume my top half, my thighs, my knees and probably a third of my calves. But the dress was so pretty and 1950s madmen style! Maybe i will buy it. and then i will hem it!

Also, i think i'm falling sick. My throat is a little scratchy and if given a choice between going to school and jumping between my covers and going to sleep, i'd definitely choose the latter. But reality is harsh bebs! i have two tutorials and a lecture that contains all the mishmash of physics terms that were made to send my mind into a confunded spiral. I can't not go to school. MEHHH. I'll do the 30 days of committment to blogging thing later on in the night. Right now, i'm just going to wallow in front of the computer like a slug.

Look! a reason to blog!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

london bridge

Is it weird that i'm getting increasingly excited to go on tour to london in june? It'll be my first time in the same country as Prince Harry(why the reference i don't know i don't particularly like prince harry i just think as compared to his brother, he's the cuter of the two).

ode to london:
Buckingham palace, Big Ben, Prince William, the tube, Kate Middleton, Camilla Belle, Les Miserables, the river thames, Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron, marks and spencers, Asos, big red london buses, madame tussauds, primark!

Monday, January 24, 2011

So i had the weirdest shit dream last night. I can't say for sure i didn't enjoy it because it was quite action packed, but it wasn't something i'd wake up feeling gooey and happy inside, like when i had my harrypotter dream involving the younger version of daniel radcliffe and rupert grint in a hotel lobby. But anyway this dream was as weird and disjointed as tomatoes at the botton of the sea. It involved Mrs Tay, our used-to-be vocal coach, taking us to a cemetry to look for her husband and somehow it was very china-esque, with fields and mountains enroute, and when we got there there was this huge lake and across the lake was a man wearing white squatting by the water. No i don't believe he was a ghost. I vaguely feel as though i thought him a ragandbone man maybe. I just stood by the water staring at him, and then suddenly i was driving a car, an auto car and i didn't know how to drive it and it was pouring cats and dogs and Jane was in the passenger seat. I would like to believe i know how to drive an auto car in real life, but somehow dreams never appear logical, so i had to bail out of the car to get help and i went back to my house to tell my dad that Jane was still inside and we had to stop the car somehow. And then i think i woke up.

Oh and if anyone knows what its like to stain your shorts in school because of the unavoidable P that decided unmercifully to return after having vanished for a day, i've totally been there:/

Anyway pretty sparkles from the GoldenGlobes 2011 to brighten your day!

I heart anne hathaway's dress! How do they look so gorgeous covered in glitter seriously. I could sneak into neopia and pretend to be an overdecorated fairy cake and chances are a kacheek would eat me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow white and her entourage

I would love to have a cottage somewhere in the countryside in england. I just think about the vines that will creep up the walls untamed, and the green green grass and the windowboxes that will have gorgeous flowers spilling out of them and i'm sold! I can almost imagine my dream cottage, peach with a white door. A bit princessy and pastel but in my mind its pretty!
So i had my first french tutorial today. And as i'm typing this i can smell my dinner being cooked in the kitchen AHHH my gastric juices are threatening to chew my stomach walls if i don't eat soon. So. It was actually one of the funnest tutorials i've had in the two semesters that i've been in school. And probably the one where i've been the most vocal. And ironically it wasn't even in english. I suppose if a freak accident happened and i ended up in france i now know at least that i can survive mon dieu!
And apparently i'm a true blue West side kid because everyone who is anyone will know that Chomp chomp in serangoon equals good food. But i was fb chatting with mingrui yesterday and i had the cheek to respond to chompchomp with the comment niap niap. HAHA i seriously thought he was making random onomatopoeic sounds. Well in my defence so was i. Doesn't niap niap sound like you're chewing relly relly fast. So to cut a long story short, i now have a pipe dream that i can take his dad's car and drive to serangoon to eat chomp chomp yes he thinks his dad won't notice, because my dad takes that car to work every day and i will positively spasm if forced to drive to KL. which reminds me that i need to buy my P plates.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I passed my driving! Dead serious. I was so happy that i walked out of the test room, but inside i was just skipping and running circles around the car that i will one day have. I called my dad, he will forever be the first person that heard that i passed driving lucky, and i was so excited i practically went right past my instructor who was waiting at the first floor for me to break the news. Thank goodness it was good news i wouldn't be able to face having to take the test a third time even though i was seriously contemplating my ability to pass after grazing the curb in the S curve. I was sooo freaked out when the tester told me i'd grazed the curb. I was wondering how in the world i would ever pass, but yayness guess safe driving prevailed! This time i made sure to make it a hundredandone percent obvious i was checking for safety.

and on another note, i've been looking at fashion blogs and they make me want to wear heaps of pretty clothes and spend my money in ways that are borderline vulgar because they'll alllll be spent on buying clothes which my mother constant asserts i have more than enough of. I just bought a new pair of peeptoe heels, $30 from mitju in beige because i was in a shoe funk and i was sad that i couldn't get my newlook suede heels in black which by the way are mad beautiful. I wore them and my feet looked so happy and my legs elongated, which is very huge in my town because my legs are short. Maybe i should get the newlook heels and be broke and all spent out. at least i'll have nice shoes to wear even though my feet will permanently be knackered out on fridays and the weekends since thats the only time i can wear heels anyway. Wearing heels to school would be cruelty because of all the stairs to climb. I shall have my eyes peeled like an orange on friday when i go shopping with Jasmine and Yams. beb I need a nice pair of flats pronto.

Aldo shoes:D Peach/beige/nude/pink. Throw them at me!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my bones

Today was. EPIC and i'm starting to feel it in my legs! Christine, jane and i walked from Food for thought allllll the way to tanglin mall. Thats like. Bugis to Tanglin. Its the longest distance i remember ever walking voluntarily in Singapore. I was too lazy to measure the distance on google maps but its long enough i'm sure. It took us. 1 hour plus and one pee break HAHAH. And christine was in her new shoes! The route is below:
We originally wanted to walk allll the way to holland village but who knew it took so long just to walk from bugis to tanglin mall, so we got on the bus at tanglin because it was already dark. Singapore should have weather like this everyday. Maybe then more people would walk

Monday, January 3, 2011

Today i stubbed my toe while opening the door. I don't even know how it happened! One minute i was perfectly fine and unlocking the door, the next minute i was hopping around and rubbing my toe and then freaking out because i saw blood and it was mad pain. i was sitting on the floor for at least 15 minutes but it felt way longer. The tissue i was holding to my toe was getting steadily more spotted with red too:/ So now i will definitely remember to stand further away from the door when opening it. I hope my middle toe gets better by tomorrow! Otherwise i won't be able to brunch/sleepover. My dad could pick out my limp when he came home RAWWR.

Just got a cryptic text from fern but 10bucks i know what its about.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm loading How i met your mother episodes and listening to girlsgeneration songs OMG i know i don't usually but then there was some korean music awards show playing on channelU again OMG right who watches channelU when starhub is screening free channels, but then again theres not much to watch on starhub's freechannels. I was hoping for glee or some nice holiday movies but it was screening pirates of the carribean on fox. So deep for the newyearseason. What happened to the notion of fluffy happy movies that need minimal intellect. HAHAHA. (: but anyway so it got me like. interested so i went to check it out after like a long time of not listening to girls generation songs! Their legs look mad long WHY! But apparently even though they look mad tall its not really so. Someone told me some of the members are actually quite pint sized, which leads me to think then its the angle of the camera. So anyway its 2011. It doesn't feel very different really. Apart from the fact that you know its 2011. Otherwise it could just be 2010 still. December 32nd.

But because it will give me a guide to how i should spend my 2011, i shall do newyearsresolutions!
1. I WILL BECOME SKINNIER! =D which in turn is like related to
i think although the gym at keppel is really well equipped and everything, i don't have my own means of transport other than the bus and even then Keppel is a really far walk in from the main road and the busstop itself, so by the time i actually get there, i would have walked quite a bit already. Which isn't to say that its bad since the whole point is to get exercise, but singapore weather was not made for walking, so i get put off by the distance. But nehmind. This year will be different! Hopefully
3. I WILL GET MY DRIVERS LICENSE and then i'll be able to drive to keppel, albeit grudgingly in my dad's car. If not i give up, i'll be a princess and just take a cab. Yes i really want my drivers license. I think driving tests are scary in the way that you can't for sure know that you are going to pass! Its all a matter of your luck and whether you driving skills suck. But please please don't let me have to take it a 3rd time!
4. I WILL INCREASE MY CAP! I've decided to be super disciplined and study as hard as i can. 5. I WILL DECLUTTER. HAHA this has been an ongoing resolution for the longest time! My cupboards are filled with clothes that i don't wear i have like a lot of ac shirts hung up and i don't even wear all of them, my collegiates and passion AC shirts are my number1 comfort clothing, the rest are like reserves heh. So this year i will clear my closet and make space for all my new stuff:D This will make my mother happy.

okay off to watch HIMYM!